Policy And Resources Committee - 25/10/2021

At a MEETING of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE held remotely on 25th October, 2021.




Lord Provost Ian BORTHWICK


Depute Lord Provost Bill CAMPBELL




Christina ROBERTS










Steven ROME




Donald HAY


Roisin SMITH

Philip SCOTT


Charlie MALONE


Stewart HUNTER

Michael MARRA



Richard McCREADY






Councillor John ALEXANDER, Convener, in the Chair.


The minute of meeting of this Committee of 27th September, 2021 was held as read.


Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.




Councillor Flynn declared a non-financial interest in the item of business at Article II by virtue of being a member of Unite The Union.




It was reported that this item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor McCready.


The Committee acceded to requests for deputations to address the Committee relative to this item of business. After the deputations had stated their cases they were thanked for their attendance and withdrew.


Thereafter, the Committee resolved:-


(i) to note that the University of Dundee planned to remove the current UODSS (defined benefit CARE pension scheme) and replace it with a detrimental defined contribution scheme on 1st August, 2022;


(ii) to note if this new proposed scheme was implemented, it would in effect inflict up to a 40% cut on over 900 of the organisations employees when they retired. These were employees on the lowest grades, 1-6, mainly women workers;


(iii) to note that the recognised trade unions of the University, Unite, UNISON and UCU had engaged in a period of consultation. The trade unions had offered many alternatives to the proposed defined contribution scheme, all had been rejected or had not been investigated fully by the University to appreciate viability;


(iv) that, the University of Dundee was a valued local employer, however, if the organisation continued with its current pension proposals, this credibility would likely diminish;


(v) that Dundee City Council supported the call by the workforce at the University of Dundee for dignity in retirement and demands that the University of Dundee stop its proposed defined contribution scheme and got around the negotiating table with the trade unions to seek a deal which satisfied the Fair Work principles; and


(vi) to instruct the Chief Executive to communicate Dundee City Councils position to the University of Dundee, all members of the University Court and to the Scottish Government.




There was submitted Report No 235-2021 by the Chief Executive advising members about a Scottish Government consultation on proposals for the future governance, organisation, management, delivery and commissioning of health and social care services. It also set out a proposed response to be submitted on behalf of Dundee City Council.


The Convener, seconded by Bailie Sawers, moved that the Committee:-


(i) note that the Scottish Government has issued a consultation paper on proposals for a National Care Service (NCS) which is summarised in section 4 and Appendix One;


(ii) consider and agree the draft response to the consultation to be submitted by the deadline of 2nd November. Section 5 summarises the response and Appendix Two is the draft full response;


(iii) welcomes the extension of the consultation period and endorses the work undertaken within the Feeley Report in advance of this, which focussed on a national care service for adult social care and a person-centred approach;


(iv) welcomes the additional focus on health and social care services following the most challenging period in the history of these services and the commitment to 600 million of additional funding to support these going forward;


(v) notes the consultation covers aspects of services not covered within the Feeley Report and endorses the view that local authorities and partners are best placed to inform and lead this work, utilising local networks and knowledge and as such, Committee would support their continued delivery within local government. Local government is a vital component in the delivery of these services and Committee recognises that local government should continue to have a role in that delivery; and


(vi) agrees that if the final model is wider than that detailed in the Feeley Report, Committee seeks confirmation from the Scottish Government that CHSCBs will have members who will represent the local population, including people with lived experience, and carers and that CHSCBs will be aligned with local authority boundaries, unless otherwise agreed at a local level. The members will include local elected members to preserve local democratic accountability as set out in Chapter 4 of the Scottish Governments: A National Care Service for Scotland consultation document.


As an amendment, Bailie Keenan, seconded by Bailie Wright, moved that the Committee agree the draft response to the consultation which is contained in Appendix Two with the addition of the following:-

While the Council supports the creation of a National Care Service, it remits to the Chief Executive to write to the Scottish Government to request that the additional funding required to deliver a National Care Service is made available now to Councils and Integration Joint Boards to further enhance partnership working; and


The Council believes that Local Government should remain at the heart of the decision-making process within the National Care Service, so that local decisions impacting on health, care and poverty are made with local elected members and calls on the Scottish Government to continue to engage with Local Government/COSLA to ensure this.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailies Roberts, Sawers and Scott, and Councillors Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Rendall, Rome, Short, Smith, Hay, Scott, Murray and Ross (17); and for the amendment - Bailies Keenan and Wright, and Councillors McCready, McIrvine, Marra and Richardson (6) - Lord Provost Borthwick and Councillor Malone being absent when the vote was taken and Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Duncan declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried.


As a further amendment, Bailie Macpherson, seconded by Councillor Duncan, moved that the Committee agrees to the draft response to the consultation in Appendix Two being submitted as the City Councils response, subject to the following additions:-


At 6.11, after .... and decision making on reformed IJBs, add:


Given this, and after due consideration, the City Council is opposed to the centralisation of adult care services and urges Scottish Government to reject the proposals for a National Care Service.


At CONCLUSION, after .... who rely on the services covered, add:


However, the City Councils stated position is that the creation of a National Care Service accountable to Ministers would see a further and significant reduction in local authority responsibilities and local accountability, which it cannot support. It would therefore recommend not proceeding with the National Care Service Proposal.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailies Roberts, Sawers and Scott, and Councillors Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Rendall, Rome, Short, Smith, Hay, Scott, Murray and Ross (17); and for the amendment - Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Duncan (2) - Lord Provost Borthwick and Councillor Malone being absent when the vote was taken and Bailies Keenan and Wright and Councillors McCready, McIrvine, Marra and Richardson declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried and became the finding of the meeting.




There was submitted Agenda Note AN35-2021 reporting that, as part of the Strategic Housing Investment Programme (SHIP), a number of developments had been identified to provide appropriate housing in Dundee for Adults with either Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities or Mental Health issues. One of these developments was a new build of eight flats in Longhaugh, for people needing support with their Disability, where the housing required additional specifications beyond a regular Housing Association standard. The total cost of the additional two specifications on the Housing Association asset was 129,800. The Executive Director of Corporate Services advised that the total cost of 129,800 could be funded from the Health, Care and Wellbeing section of the Capital Plan 2021/2026 (Provision of Accommodation for Adults with Learning Disabilities budget). The works were due to be completed in January, 2023.


The Committee approved accordingly.




On a reference to Article III of the minute of the Children and Families Services Committee of 25th October, 2021, there was submitted Agenda Note AN34-2021 on the UK Governments announcement to move the 30th May Bank Holiday to 2nd June, 2022 and grant an extra Bank Holiday for the Queens Platinum Jubilee on 3rd June, 2022.


The Committee:-


(i) noted that, to align with the Bank Holidays announced by the Government, the Victoria Day Public Holiday for Dundee would move from Monday, 30th May, 2022 to Thursday, 2nd June, 2022 with an additional Public Holiday on Friday, 3rd June, 2022;


(ii) granted an additional day of annual leave to Council employees to mark Her Majesty The Queens Platinum Jubilee on Friday, 3rd June, 2022; and


(iii) noted that the Council offices would be open to the public on Friday, 3rd, June, 2022 and employees would be required to apply should they wish to take annual leave on that day. Applications for annual leave would be subject to the exigencies of the service and employees who worked on Friday, 3rd June would be entitled to take the additional annual leave day at a later date.




There was submitted Report No 271-2021 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services appraising members of the latest position regarding the Council's Capital Plan 2021/2026.


The Committee noted the latest position regarding the Council's Capital Plan 2021/2026.




There was submitted Report No 272-2021 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services providing members with an analysis of the 2021/2022 projected revenue outturn as at 31st August, 2021 monitored against the adjusted 2021/2022 Revenue Budget.


The Committee:-


(i) noted that the overall General Fund as at 31st August, 2021 was projecting an underspend of 3,202,000 against the adjusted 2021/2022 Revenue Budget;


(ii) noted the position on COVID-related expenditure and COVID funding, as set out in Appendix E and paragraph 3.1 of the report;


(iii) noted that the Housing Revenue Account as at 31st August, 2021 was projecting an underspend of 186,000 against the adjusted Housing Revenue Account 2021/2022 Revenue Budget;


(iv) agreed that the Council Management Team would take every reasonable action to ensure that the 2021/2022 revenue expenditure was below or in line with the adjusted Revenue Budget; and


(v) instructed the Executive Director of Corporate Services, in conjunction with the Council Management Team, to continue to monitor the Councils 2021/2022 projected revenue outturn to assist with the cost pressures resulting from COVID-19.




There was submitted Report No 266-2021 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services reviewing the Treasury Management activities for the period 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021.


The Committee noted the information contained therein and agreed the limits in Appendix 1 of the report.




On a reference to Article VII of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 18th February, 2019, there was submitted Report No 293-2021 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services which considered the purchase of a new storage system to replace ageing equipment that stored backups, archive files and supported many applications used across the Council.


The Committee:-


(i) agreed to the purchase of IBM Storage Solution; and


(ii) remitted the Head of Customer Services and IT to purchase IBM Storage Solution and support to be compliantly procured through Crown Commercial Services Network Services framework.


The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.




There was submitted Report No 229-2021 relative to the above.


The Convener, seconded by Bailie Sawers, moved that the Committee agree the recommendations detailed in the report.


As an amendment, Bailie Keenan, seconded by Councillor Richardson, moved that the Committee agree the proposals as circulated.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailies Roberts, Sawers and Scott, and Councillors Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Rendall, Rome, Short, Smith, Hay, Scott and Ross (16); and for the amendment - Bailies Keenan and Wright, and Councillors McCready, McIrvine, Marra, Richardson and Murray (7) - Lord Provost Borthwick and Councillor Malone being absent when the vote was taken and Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Duncan declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried.





John ALEXANDER, Convener.