Policy And Resources Committee - 05/03/2020

At a MEETING of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 5th March, 2020.




Lord Provost Ian BORTHWICK


Depute Lord Provost Bill CAMPBELL







Christina ROBERTS







Steven ROME

Michael MARRA






Richard McCREADY


Roisin SMITH


Stewart HUNTER


Donald HAY


Charlie MALONE

Philip SCOTT





Bailie Willie SAWERS, Depute Convener, in the Chair.


The minute of meeting of this Committee of 24th February, 2020 was held as read.


Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.




Councillors Dawson and Marra and Bailie Roberts declared a non-financial interest in Article II by virtue of being Council representatives on Leisure & Culture Dundee.




The Committee agreed to hear deputations in respect of the above and after the deputations had put forward their cases and answered questions from members of the Committee they were thanked for their attendance and withdrew.


Reference was made to Article VI of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 24th February, 2020, wherein the procedures for setting the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget and Council Tax were agreed.


The Committee had before them the following:-


(a) Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2020/2021 - Report No 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services;


(b) Letter dated 27th February, 2020 by the Head of Democratic and Legal Services regarding voting restrictions in terms of Section 112 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992; and


(c) Provisional Revenue Budget 2020/2023 and the Review of Charges 2020/2021 - Report No 110-2020.


After considering Report No 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, Bailie Sawers, seconded by Councillor Short, moved that the Committee:-

(i) notes the contents of Report 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, together with the estimates of revenue expenditure for the year from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021, as contained in the Provisional 2020/2023 Revenue Budget Volume;


(ii) approves the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget as detailed in the Budget Volume, subject to the adjustments outlined in paragraphs (iv) and (v) below;


(iii) approves the 2020/2021 Review of Charges as detailed in the Review of Charges document totalling 420,000 which is already included in the Budget Volume;


(iv) approves the budget savings totalling 6,266,000 as shown in Appendix 1 appended hereto;


(v) approves the additional expenditure totalling 1,312,000 as shown in Appendix 1 appended hereto;


(vi) approves the calculation of the Council Tax for 2020/2021 as detailed in Appendix 2 appended hereto;


(vii) approves that the 2020/2021 Band D Council Tax be increased to 1,379 and the Council Tax for each band be set as follows:-


2020/2021 Council Tax Per Band


Council Tax Band


2020/2021 Council Tax




























As an amendment, Bailie Keenan, seconded by Councillor Cruickshank, moved that the Committee:-


(viii) notes the contents of Report 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, together with the estimates of revenue expenditure for the year from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021, as contained in the Provisional 2020/2023 Revenue Budget Volume;


(ix) approves the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget as detailed in the Budget Volume, subject to the adjustments outlined in paragraphs (x), (xi) and (xii) below;


(x) approves the 2020/2021 Review of Charges as detailed in the Review of Charges document totalling 420,000 which is already included in the Budget Volume, subject to the following adjustments:


Neighbourhood Services - remove proposed increases in Burial Ground charges resulting in a reduction in income of 30,500.


resulting in a reduction in income for Council Tax purposes of 30,500 and a revised total for Review of Charges of 389,500.


(xi) approves the budget savings totalling 6,008,000 as shown in Appendix 3 appended hereto;


(xii) approves the additional expenditure totalling 1,023,000 as shown in Appendix 3 appended hereto;

(xiii) approves the calculation of the Council Tax for 2020/2021 as detailed in Appendix 4 appended hereto; and


(xiv) approves that the 2020/2021 Band D Council Tax be increased to 1,379 and the Council Tax for each band be set as follows:-


2020/2021 Council Tax Per Band


Council Tax Band


2020/2021 Council Tax




























On a division, there voted for the motion - Bailie Sawers, Lord Provost Borthwick, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailie Roberts and Councillor Alexander, Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rendall, Rome, Ross, Short and Smith (15); and for the amendment - Bailies Keenan and Wright and Councillors Cruickshank, McCready, McIrvine, Malone, Marra and Richardson (8) - Bailies Scott and Macpherson and Councillors Hay, Scott and Duncan declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried.


As a further amendment, Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Hay, moved that the Committee:-


(xv) notes the contents of Report 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, together with the estimates of revenue expenditure for the year from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021, as contained in the Provisional 2020/2023 Revenue Budget Volume;


(xvi) approves the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget as detailed in the Budget Volume, subject to the adjustments outlined in paragraphs (xviii) and (xix) below;


(xvii) approves the 2020/2021 Review of Charges as detailed in the Review of Charges document totalling 420,000 which is already included in the Budget Volume;


(xviii) approves the budget savings totalling 6,952,000 as shown in Appendix 5 appended hereto;


(xix) approves the additional expenditure totalling 1,025,000 as shown in Appendix 5 appended hereto;


(xx) approves the calculation of the Council Tax for 2020/2021, as detailed in Appendix 6 appended hereto; and


(xxi) approves that the 2020/2021 Band D Council Tax be increased to 1,355 and the Council Tax for each band be set as follows:-


2020/2021 Council Tax Per Band


Council Tax Band


2020/2021 Council Tax




























On a division, there voted for the motion - Bailie Sawers, Lord Provost Borthwick, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailie Roberts and Councillors Alexander, Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rendall, Rome, Ross, Short and Smith (15); and for the amendment - Bailie Scott and Councillors Hay and Scott (3) - Bailies Keenan and Wright and Councillors Cruickshank, McCready, McIrvine, Malone, Marra and Richardson declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried.


As a further amendment, Bailie Macpherson, seconded by Councillor Duncan, moved that the Committee:-


(xxii) notes the contents of Report 109-2020 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, together with the estimates of revenue expenditure for the year from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021, as contained in the Provisional 2020/2023 Revenue Budget Volume.


(xxiii) approves the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget as detailed in the Budget Volume, subject to the adjustments outlined in paragraphs (xxiv), (xxv) and (xxvi) below.


(xxiv) approves the 2020/2021 Review of Charges as detailed in the Review of Charges document totalling 420,000 which is already included in the Budget Volume, subject to the following adjustments:


City Development - remove the following proposed increases in charges:


Off-Street Parking at Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Brook Street, Broughty Ferry, Fort Street, Hilltown West, South Tay Street and Hunter Street (North and South), resulting in a reduction in income of 24,000.


City Development - remove all charges from the following car parks, pending outcome of consultation on and introduction of residents parking scheme:


Roseangle, Pennycook Lane, Miller's Wynd, Mid Wynd, Bellfield Street (North), Ryehill Lane and Union Place (North), resulting in a reduction in income of 55,000.


Neighbourhood Services - remove proposed increases in Burial Ground charges resulting in a reduction in income of 30,500.


Neighbourhood Services - reduce proposed increases in Lets of Other Facilities charges resulting in a reduction in income of 2,150.


Neighbourhood Services - reduce proposed increases in Countryside Rangers Service charges resulting in a reduction in income of 100.


Neighbourhood Services - reduce proposed increases in Special Collections charges resulting in a reduction in income of 12,500.


Neighbourhood Services - reduce proposed increases in Lets of Community Centres charges resulting in a reduction in income of 3,250.


All of the above resulting in a reduction in income for Council Tax purposes of 127,500 and a revised total for Review of Charges of 292,500;


(xxv) approves the budget savings totalling 6,655,000 as shown in Appendix 7 appended hereto;


(xxvi) approves the additional expenditure totalling 812,000 as shown in Appendix 7 appended hereto;


(xxvii) approves the calculation of the Council Tax for 2020/2021, as detailed in Appendix 8 appended hereto; and


(xxviii) approves that the 2020/2021 Band D Council Tax be increased to 1,360 and the Council Tax for each band be set as follows:-


2020/2021 Council Tax Per Band


Council Tax Band


2020/2021 Council Tax




























On a division, there voted for the motion - Bailie Sawers, Lord Provost Borthwick, Depute Lord Provost Campbell, Bailie Roberts and Councillors Alexander, Cordell, Dawson, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rendall, Rome, Ross, Short and Smith (15); and for the amendment - Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Duncan (2) - Bailies Keenan, Wright and Scott and Councillors Cruickshank, McCready, McIrvine, Malone, Marra, Richardson, Scott and Hay declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried and became the finding of the meeting.





Willie SAWERS, Depute Convener.













Children and Families


1. Changes to the Deployment of School Crossing Patrollers (see report 106-2020)

It is proposed that the SCP Service operates strictly to Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) criteria for SCP points both at school start/end and lunchtime crossings and that any points that do not meet this criteria are removed from August 2020. (Proposal deleted).


2. Third Party Project and Grant Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 103-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations by the Children and Families Service to a range of organisations and projects for the financial years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.


3. Staffing Structure Review and Devolved School Management (see report 104-2020)

Savings are proposed for financial year 2020/2021 regarding staff structure review and associated budgets, with full year savings being delivered in 2021/2022 of 750,000.


4. Childrens Houses (see report 105-2020)

It is proposed to introduce 2 waking nights in the Council's 5 Children's Houses in order to further build local placement capacity for care experienced young people; strengthen children protection and health and safety arrangements in the houses. This work will commence in 2020/2021 and will anticipated to deliver a full year saving in 2021/2022 of 575,000.


5. Special Education

The Special Education sector covers Kingspark, central services to support pupils with all ASN including multiple and complex needs and Learning and Care assistants deployed to schools to support young people with complex needs who attend mainstream schools. Finance for this sector also includes the costs of all schools with Enhanced Provisions. Dundee City Council has a statutory responsibility to assess and make provision for childrens additional support needs (ASN) under the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act, 2004 (amended 2009; 2018). In addition it has duties under the Equalities Act (2010) in relation to children and young people with protected characteristics including disabilities.


Within the special sector it is proposed that a review is undertaken in 2020/2021. This review will be carried out in conjunction with Head Teachers and stakeholders.
































Budgets Delegated to Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership


1.   Budget Allocation 2020/2021

The final budget allocation to DHSCP for 2019/2020 is 77.3m, after all new monies and other budget transfers have been recognised. The total provisional budget allocation to DHSCP for 2020/2021 is 78.9m. In addition, 2.8m of new monies are held in central contingencies. It is proposed to pass over the new monies of 2.8m and then to reduce the budget by 1.6m giving a 2020/2021 budget of 80.1m.







City Development


1. Corporate Property - Review of Cleaning Regime

The current level of cleaning costs across the Council and L&CD portfolio require to be reviewed to ensure the most effective programme is in place for cleaning each facility. An appropriate proposal is being developed through a joint corporate working group with Tayside Contracts, reviewing the delivery of cleaning for the Council and L&CD facilities to achieve a 5% saving to current costs of 40k per annum.


2. Cease Any Grants for Dundee Development and Overseas Marketing and Development

There is limited uptake for these grant schemes which means that the economic impact, in terms of the number of companies supported will be limited. There are alternative sources of funding (loans) available to support companies in the form of the local government funded Business Loans Scotland scheme, Small Business Finance Dundee (SBFD) and the relaunched Michelin Development Fund. In common with other local authorities in Scotland, Dundee has moved towards encouraging uptake of loan rather than grant funding.


3. Roads Maintenance Partnership

The current level of revenue expenditure across the Dundee road network through the Road Maintenance Partnership is to be reviewed to deliver revenue savings. Revenue budget savings to current costs of 50k per annum (circa 6.8% of current revenue budget) are proposed.


4. Cease Financial Support for Subsidised Bus Routes That Terminate Outwith Dundee

DCC has historically made a financial contribution of 15k per annum to Angus Council to support cross boundary bus services. These are non-commercial services linking villages in south Angus with Dundee City Centre. This is a general contribution towards the cross boundary services. Passengers who have a journey entirely within the Dundee City boundary could be expected to use an alternate service within the city.


5. Review Shopmobility Funding

DCC makes a grant payment of 14,350 per annum to support the citys Shopmobility service. This is funded from the Parking budget (3k) and the Economic Development budget (11k). Shopmobility Dundee operates from the Overgate Centre and is part of a nationwide network/franchise of Shopmobility services that seek to support disabled shoppers by providing mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters. There has been a gradual decline in demand for this service over many years. It is recommended that DCC reduce its annual grant by 50% and proposes to the Shopmobility Board that it requires to increase its revenue from other sources - including donations and membership fees.








































Neighbourhood Services


1. Review of Third Party Payments - Communities (see report 92-2020)

Agreement is sought for the Third Party Payment between Dundee City Council and the newly formed Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action (DVVA) for the services specifically provided on behalf of Neighbourhood Services.






2. Review of Third Party Payments - Community Safety (see report 95-2020)

Agreement is sought for the changes to Third Party Payments administered by the Community Safety and Protection division of Neighbourhood Services.


3. Bowling Green Provision in Dundee (see report 98-2020)

It is proposed that relevant stakeholders are engaged in identifying alternative uses or funding models for Dundee City Councils 5 remaining municipal bowling green sites.


4. Review of Glasshouse and Nursery Facility, Including Hanging Basket and Barrier Planter Provision (see report 101-2020)

It is proposed that budget savings are made through the discontinuation of the in-house supply of plants, shrubs and tree materials at the plant nursery and glasshouse facility within Camperdown Country Park. In addition, the proposal includes the discontinuation of the provision of city wide hanging baskets and barrier planters.


5. Revised Frequency of Collection for Residual Waste (see report 102-2020)

Approval is sought for the introduction of a revised frequency for residual waste collections during the financial year 2021/2022.





















Chief Executive


1. Grant Funding for Cultural Organisations - 2020/2021 (see report 83-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to a number of cultural organisations for the financial year 2020/2021.


2. Community Regeneration Funding for 2020/2021 (see report 96-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocation to the Dundee Partnership Community Regeneration Fund (DPCRF) for financial year 2020/2021. The allocation of the funding is informed by the 15% most deprived zones identified in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 (SIMD2020). To reduce the impacts of the redistribution in the short-term, phasing of the changes will mainly be phased in over two years.


3. Dundee Partnership Project Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 97-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to Dundee Partnership projects for the financial year 2020/2021.



















Leisure and Culture Dundee


1.    Management Fee 2020/2021

It is proposed that LACD should receive an increase in management fee of 100,000 for 2020/2021 when compared to the 2019/2020 management fee. An amount of 338,000 is currently included in the provisional 2020/2021 revenue budget to cover the estimated cost of the 2020 pay award for LACD staff. In light of the 100,000 increase, savings of 238,000 can now be taken.


The savings that LACD will have to make will, as far as possible, be found from a combination of actions including structural reviews, VER, VR and vacancy turnover management to help reduce the net staffing count. Further, a range of options have been provided to the Council which will provide the basis of discussions for future potential savings. These include the redesign of library services, which will, in partnership with the Council, give consideration to Community Hub developments, alongside a review of historic properties to ensure future sustainability. In addition, the master plans for Caird Park and Camperdown Park will continue to be developed.







Corporate Services


1.    Prepayment of Employer Contributions to Pension Fund (see report 100-2020)

It is proposed to prepay a significant element of the employer contributions due to the Tayside Pension Fund in 2020/2021 and thereafter, thereby generating a recurring revenue saving of 250,000 per annum.


2. Discretionary Housing Payments (see report 107-2020)

It is proposed to reduce the General Fund Contribution to the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Fund by 100,000 in 2020/2021. A further 250,000 has been added to the Local Authority Tenant Hardship Fund from the Housing Revenue Account in financial year 2020/2021.












Corporate Items


1. Interest During Construction

It is proposed to change existing accounting policies to enable the Council to capitalise borrowing costs on qualifying assets during their construction. The Council does not currently capitalise any borrowing costs, rather they are expensed in the year incurred. Relevant accounting guidance allows capitalisation in certain circumstances. Adopting a policy of capitalisation in appropriate circumstances would generate a revenue budget saving. This would deliver a gross saving of 280,000 per annum, reducing by 15,000 per annum from 2021/2022 onwards.


2. Release DERL Warranty Amount

In light of the current position, it would be possible to release fully the provision set-aside without introducing an unacceptable level of risk.


3. ICT Refresh Postponed

Provision is included in the Capital Plan to enable schools to refresh ICT equipment annually to provide the core equipment they require to deliver the curriculum. The refresh was set up on the basis of a 5 year replacement cycle. This has been based on a distribution of 460k per year to schools with 100k being retained for central infrastructure (560k total). It is proposed that the ICT refresh should be postponed for 2020/2021, thereby generating a capital saving of 560k. An equivalent amount of capital works/purchases would be transferred from the Revenue Budget to the Capital Plan, thereby generating a revenue saving of 560k.


4. Establishment Savings

There will be a number of methods used which will assist the Council to reduce its headcount over the coming financial year(s). The main methods will be to re-launch a targeted and ongoing Voluntary Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy exercise. In addition, the continuation of a robust approach to the filling of vacancies is and will continue to result in the non-filling of some posts, which will result in ongoing financial savings. Linked to C2022, there are 2 main projects which will help transform the way that we work, namely the Mobile and Digital Workforce and the Workforce of the Future. Both of these projects will focus on succession planning, service redesign, the development of digital techniques and how we work in a more efficient and effective way, all of which will help us reduce headcount overall. Savings of 250,000 are being assumed for 2020/2021 with a full year effect of 1,000,000 being assumed for 2021/2022.
































5. C2022 Savings

It is proposed that further budget savings are generated from the Councils C2022 Transformation Programme. The savings will be generated from ongoing and new initiatives such as charging, concessions and commercialisation, 365 Schools and Procurement and Commissioning. Work is being undertaken in all of these areas by relevant services leads. The estimated saving is 100,000 in 2020/2021 and 250,000 in a full financial year.




Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals













1. Additional Contribution to General Contingency

It is proposed to increase the General Contingency by 712,000 in light of the projected overspend against the 2019/2020 Revenue Budget and the continuing cost pressures in Scientific Services.


2. Drugs and Mental Health Funding

It is proposed to provide 500k within the 2020/2021 revenue budget to the Dundee Partnership to support the delivery of the action plans in response to the Dundee Drugs Commission and the Independent Mental Health Inquiry. This funding demonstrates the Councils commitment to providing additional resources to support improving health and well-being outcomes for our citizens. The Chief Executive is remitted to bring forward a report detailing proposals.


3. Fairness Commission Funding

It is proposed to provide 100k within the 2020/2021 Revenue Budget to support the recommendations contained within the Fairness Commission Action Plans. This funding will be targeted across the City using the 2020 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) data.





















Total Additional Expenditure Proposals




Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals less Additional Expenditure Proposals

















Provisional Revenue Budget per Volume



Less Budget Savings (per Appendix 1)



Add Additional Expenditure (per Appendix 1)



Add Provision for Additional Council Tax Reductions (required in light of proposed Council Tax increase)




Revised Revenue Budget



Less General Revenue Funding/Non-Domestic Rates





Less Amount to be Met from Balances






Council Tax Base (Band D Equivalent)



Less Provision for Non-Collection (3.2%)










Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax



% Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax




List of Budget Savings Reports


Report No 106-2020 - Children and Families 1: Changes to the Deployment of School Crossing Patrollers. (Proposal deleted).


Report No 103-2020 - Children and Families 2: Third Party Project and Grant Funding - 2020/2021.


Report No 104-2020 - Children and Families 3: Staffing Structure Review and Devolved School Management.


Report No 105-2020 - Children and Families 4: Childrens Houses.


Report No 92-2020 - Neighbourhood Services 1: Review of Third Party Payments - Communities.


Report No 95-2020 - Neighbourhood Services 2: Review of Third Party Payments - Community Safety.


Report No 98-2020 - Neighbourhood Services 3: Bowling Green Provision in Dundee.


Report No 101-2020 - Neighbourhood Services 4: Review of Glasshouse and Nursery Facility, Including Hanging Basket and Barrier Planter Provision.


Report No 102-2020 - Neighbourhood Services 5: Revised Frequency of Collection for Residual Waste.


Report No 83-2020 - Chief Executive 1: Grant Funding for Cultural Organisations - 2020/2021.


Report No 96-2020 - Chief Executive 2: Dundee Partnership Community Regeneration Funding for 2020/2021.


Report No 97-2020 - Chief Executive 3: Dundee Partnership Project Funding 2020/2021.


Report No 100-2020 - Corporate Services 1: Prepayment of Employers Contributions to Pension Fund.


Report No 107-2020 - Corporate Services 2: Discretionary Housing Payments.













Children and Families


1. Changes to the Deployment of School Crossing Patrollers (see report 106-2020)

Saving not taken


2. Third Party Project and Grant Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 103-2020)

Saving not taken


3. Staffing Structure Review and Devolved School Management (see report 104-2020)

Saving not taken


4. Childrens Houses (see report 105-2020)

It is proposed to introduce 2 waking nights in the Council's 5 Children's Houses in order to further build local placement capacity for care experienced young people; strengthen children protection and health and safety arrangements in the houses. This work will commence in 2020/2021 and will anticipated to deliver a full year saving in 2021/2022 of 575,000.


5. Special Education

Saving not taken


















Budgets Delegated to Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership


1. Budget Allocation 2020/2021

The final budget allocation to DHSCP for 2019/2020 is 77.3m, after all new monies and other budget transfers have been recognised. The total provisional budget allocation to DHSCP for 2020/2021 is 78.9m. In addition, 2.8m of new monies are held in central contingencies. It is proposed to pass over the new monies of 2.8m and then to reduce the budget by 0.8m giving a 2020/2021 budget of 80.9m.


Whilst recognising as do COSLA, that the funding for Local Government has been inadequate, Dundee Labour Group wish to add an additional 800k replacing almost 50% of the Administration's proposed cuts to the Health & Social Care Partnership. Within this proposed Budget, we would propose to see an amount targeted at reducing hospital readmissions and issues around trips and falls in the City allowing Social Care Workers to spend more time supporting individuals in their own home.







City Development


1. Corporate Property - Review of Cleaning Regime

The current level of cleaning costs across the Council and L&CD portfolio require to be reviewed to ensure the most effective programme is in place for cleaning each facility. An appropriate proposal is being developed through a joint corporate working group with Tayside Contracts, reviewing the delivery of cleaning for the Council and L&CD facilities to achieve a 5% saving to current costs of 40k per annum.


2. Cease Any Grants for Dundee Development and Overseas Marketing and Development

There is limited uptake for these grant schemes which means that the economic impact, in terms of the number of companies supported will be limited. There are alternative sources of funding (loans) available to support companies in the form of the local government funded Business Loans Scotland scheme, Small Business Finance Dundee (SBFD) and the relaunched Michelin Development Fund. In common with other local authorities in Scotland, Dundee has moved towards encouraging uptake of loan rather than grant funding.


3. Roads Maintenance Partnership

The current level of revenue expenditure across the Dundee road network through the Road Maintenance Partnership is to be reviewed to deliver revenue savings. Revenue budget savings to current costs of 50k per annum (circa 6.8% of current revenue budget) are proposed.


4. Cease Financial Support for Subsidised Bus Routes That Terminate Outwith Dundee

DCC has historically made a financial contribution of 15k per annum to Angus Council to support cross boundary bus services. These are non-commercial services linking villages in south Angus with Dundee City Centre. This is a general contribution towards the cross boundary services. Passengers who have a journey entirely within the Dundee City boundary could be expected to use an alternate service within the city.


5. Review Shopmobility Funding

Saving not taken





























Neighbourhood Services


1. Review of Third Party Payments - Communities (see report 92-2020)

Agreement is sought for the Third Party Payment between Dundee City Council and the newly formed Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action (DVVA) for the services specifically provided on behalf of Neighbourhood Services.


2. Review of Third Party Payments - Community Safety (see report 95-2020)

Saving not taken


3. Bowling Green Provision in Dundee (see report 98-2020)

Saving not taken


4. Review of Glasshouse and Nursery Facility, Including Hanging Basket and Barrier Planter Provision (see report 101-2020)

It is proposed that budget savings are made through the discontinuation of the in‑house supply of plants, shrubs and tree materials at the plant nursery and glasshouse facility within Camperdown Country Park. In addition, the proposal includes the discontinuation of the provision of city wide hanging baskets and barrier planters.


5. Revised Frequency of Collection for Residual Waste (see report 102-2020)

Saving not taken

















Chief Executive


1. Grant Funding for Cultural Organisations - 2020/2021 (see report 83-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to a number of cultural organisations for the financial year 2020/2021.


2. Community Regeneration Funding for 2020/2021 (see report 96-2020)

Saving not taken


3. Dundee Partnership Project Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 97-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to Dundee Partnership projects for the financial year 2020/2021.














Leisure and Culture Dundee


1. Management Fee 2020/2021

It is proposed that LACD should receive an increase in management fee of 100,000 for 2020/2021 when compared to the 2019/2020 management fee. An amount of 338,000 is currently included in the provisional 2020/2021 revenue budget to cover the estimated cost of the 2020 pay award for LACD staff. In light of the 100,000 increase, savings of 238,000 can now be taken.


The savings that LACD will have to make will, as far as possible, be found from a combination of actions including structural reviews, VER, VR and vacancy turnover management to help reduce the net staffing count. Further, a range of options have been provided to the Council which will provide the basis of discussions for future potential savings. These include the redesign of library services, which will, in partnership with the Council, give consideration to Community Hub developments, alongside a review of historic properties to ensure future sustainability. In addition, the master plans for Caird Park and Camperdown Park will continue to be developed.







Corporate Services


1. Prepayment of Employer Contributions to Pension Fund (see report 100-2020)

It is proposed to prepay a significant element of the employer contributions due to the Tayside Pension Fund in 2020/2021 and thereafter, thereby generating a recurring revenue saving of 250,000 per annum.


2. Discretionary Housing Payments (see report 107-2020)

Saving not taken






Corporate Items


1. Interest During Construction

It is proposed to change existing accounting policies to enable the Council to capitalise borrowing costs on qualifying assets during their construction. The Council does not currently capitalise any borrowing costs, rather they are expensed in the year incurred. Relevant accounting guidance allows capitalisation in certain circumstances. Adopting a policy of capitalisation in appropriate circumstances would generate a revenue budget saving. This would deliver a gross saving of 280,000 per annum, reducing by 15,000 per annum from 2021/2022 onwards.


2. Release DERL Warranty Amount

In light of the current position, it would be possible to release fully the provision set-aside without introducing an unacceptable level of risk.


3. ICT Refresh Postponed

Provision is included in the Capital Plan to enable schools to refresh ICT equipment annually to provide the core equipment they require to deliver the curriculum. The refresh was set up on the basis of a 5 year replacement cycle. This has been based on a distribution of 460k per year to schools with 100k being retained for central infrastructure (560k total). It is proposed that the ICT refresh should be postponed for 2020/2021, thereby generating a capital saving of 560k. An equivalent amount of capital works/purchases would be transferred from the Revenue Budget to the Capital Plan, thereby generating a revenue saving of 560k.


4. Establishment Savings

There will be a number of methods used which will assist the Council to reduce its headcount over the coming financial year(s). The main methods will be to re-launch a targeted and ongoing Voluntary Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy exercise. In addition, the continuation of a robust approach to the filling of vacancies is and will continue to result in the non-filling of some posts, which will result in ongoing financial savings. Linked to C2022, there are 2 main projects which will help transform the way that we work, namely the Mobile and Digital Workforce and the Workforce of the Future. Both of these projects will focus on succession planning, service redesign, the development of digital techniques and how we work in a more efficient and effective way, all of which will help us reduce headcount overall. Savings of 250,000 are being assumed for 2020/2021 with a full year effect of 1,000,000 being assumed for 2021/2022.


5. C2022 Savings

It is proposed that further budget savings are generated from the Councils C2022 Transformation Programme. The savings will be generated from ongoing and new initiatives such as charging, concessions and commercialisation, 365 Schools and Procurement and Commissioning. Work is being undertaken in all of these areas by relevant services leads. The estimated saving is 100,000 in 2020/2021 and 250,000 in a full financial year.













































Page Budget Heading

44 Police Analysts 25k

55 Training 169k

55 Conferences 30k

63 Construction Surpluses 200k

Various Hospitality 28k

n/a Contribution from Renewal & Repair Fund 500k

n/a Contribution from Insurance Fund 250k


Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals












1. Additional Contribution to General Contingency

It is proposed to increase the General Contingency by 312,000 in light of the projected overspend against the 2019/2020 Revenue Budget and the continuing cost pressures in Scientific Services.


2. Drugs and Mental Health Funding

It is proposed to provide 500k recurring funding within the 2020/2021 revenue budget to support the action plans in response to the Dundee Drugs Commission and the Independent Mental Health Inquiry. 378k of these new monies will be to provide 5 permanent Nurse Practitioners as detailed in a report to the Alcohol and Drug Partnership - Capacity in Integrated Substance Misuse Services and to


establish 5 permanent Mental Health Nurse Practitioners. The Chief Executive is remitted to bring forward a report detailing proposals on the balance of funding of 122k.












Capital Financing Costs


1. Revenue To Support 4.2m Capital Expenditure On Schools IT Equipment

This proposal seeks to further modernise the IT infrastructure in schools to improve learning and digital skills within Primary and Secondary Schools, by providing children and young people with a tablet device. Revenue expenditure of 211k would finance Capital Spend of 4.2m in 2020/2021 with additional revenue required in 2021/2022 to support capital spend rising to an overall programme cost of 12m. It is proposed to remit the Executive Directors of Corporate Services and Children and Families to develop proposals and report back to the relevant Committee.







Total Additional Expenditure Proposals






Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals less Additional Expenditure Proposals

















Provisional Revenue Budget per Volume



Add Review of Charges Adjustment



Less Budget Savings (per Appendix 3)



Add Additional Expenditure (per Appendix 3)



Add Provision for Additional Council Tax Reductions (required in light of proposed Council Tax increase)



Revised Revenue Budget



Less General Revenue Funding/Non-Domestic Rates





Less Amount to be Met from Balances






Council Tax Base (Band D Equivalent)



Less Provision for Non-Collection (3.2%)










Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax



% Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax


















Children and Families


1. Changes to the Deployment of School Crossing Patrollers (see report 106-2020)

Saving not taken


2. Third Party Project and Grant Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 103-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations by the Children and Families Service to a range of organisations and projects for the financial years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.


3. Staffing Structure Review and Devolved School Management (see report 104-2020)

Saving not taken


4. Childrens Houses (see report 105-2020)

It is proposed to introduce 2 waking nights in the Council's 5 Children's Houses in order to further build local placement capacity for care experienced young people; strengthen children protection and health and safety arrangements in the houses. This work will commence in 2020/2021 and will anticipated to deliver a full year saving in 2021/2022 of 575,000.


5. Special Education

The Special Education sector covers Kingspark, central services to support pupils with all ASN including multiple and complex needs and Learning and Care assistants deployed to schools to support young people with complex needs who attend mainstream schools. Finance for this sector also includes the costs of all schools with Enhanced Provisions. Dundee City Council has a statutory responsibility to assess and make provision for childrens additional support needs (ASN) under the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act, 2004 (amended 2009; 2018). In addition it has duties under the Equalities Act (2010) in relation to children and young people with protected characteristics including disabilities.


Within the special sector it is proposed that a review is undertaken in 2020/2021. This review will be carried out in conjunction with Head Teachers and stakeholders.



























Budgets Delegated to Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership


1. Budget Allocation 2020/2021

The final budget allocation to DHSCP for 2019/20 is 77.3m, after all new monies and other budget transfers have been recognised. The total provisional budget allocation to DHSCP for 2020/2021 is 78.9m. In addition, 2.8m of new monies are held in central contingencies. It is proposed to pass over the new monies of 2.8m and then to reduce the budget by 1.6m giving a 2020/2021 budget of 80.1m.







City Development


1. Corporate Property - Review of Cleaning Regime

The current level of cleaning costs across the Council and L&CD portfolio require to be reviewed to ensure the most effective programme is in place for cleaning each facility. An appropriate proposal is being developed through a joint corporate working group with Tayside Contracts, reviewing the delivery of cleaning for the Council and L&CD facilities to achieve a 5% saving to current costs of 40k per annum.


2. Cease Any Grants for Dundee Development and Overseas Marketing and Development

There is limited uptake for these grant schemes which means that the economic impact, in terms of the number of companies supported will be limited. There are alternative sources of funding (loans) available to support companies in the form of the local government funded Business Loans Scotland scheme, Small Business Finance Dundee (SBFD) and the relaunched Michelin Development Fund. In common with other local authorities in Scotland, Dundee has moved towards encouraging uptake of loan rather than grant funding.


3. Roads Maintenance Partnership

Saving not taken


4. Cease Financial Support for Subsidised Bus Routes That Terminate Outwith Dundee

DCC has historically made a financial contribution of 15k per annum to Angus Council to support cross boundary bus services. These are non-commercial services linking villages in south Angus with Dundee City Centre. This is a general contribution towards the cross boundary services. Passengers who have a journey entirely within the Dundee City boundary could be expected to use an alternate service within the city.


5. Review Shopmobility Funding

DCC makes a grant payment of 14,350 per annum to support the citys Shopmobility service. This is funded from the Parking budget (3k) and the Economic Development budget (11k). Shopmobility Dundee operates from the Overgate Centre and is part of a nationwide network/franchise of Shopmobility services that seek to support disabled shoppers by providing mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters. There has been a gradual decline in demand for this service over many years. It is recommended that DCC reduce its annual grant by 50% and proposes to the Shopmobility Board that it requires to increase its revenue from other sources - including donations and membership fees.





































Neighbourhood Services


1. Review of Third Party Payments - Communities (see report 92-2020)

Agreement is sought for the Third Party Payment between Dundee City Council and the newly formed Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action (DVVA) for the services specifically provided on behalf of Neighbourhood Services.


2. Review of Third Party Payments - Community Safety (see report 95-2020)

Agreement is sought for the changes to Third Party Payments administered by the Community Safety and Protection division of Neighbourhood Services.


Exclude Community Safety Initiatives


3. Bowling Green Provision in Dundee (see report 98-2020)

Saving not taken

4. Review of Glasshouse and Nursery Facility, Including Hanging Basket and Barrier Planter Provision (see report 101-2020)

It is proposed that budget savings are made through the discontinuation of the in-house supply of plants, shrubs and tree materials at the plant nursery and glasshouse facility within Camperdown Country Park. In addition, the proposal includes the discontinuation of the provision of city wide hanging baskets and barrier planters.


Exclude Hanging Baskets and Barrier Planter Provision


5. Revised Frequency of Collection for Residual Waste (see report 102-2020)

Approval is sought for the introduction of a revised frequency for residual waste collections during the financial year 2021/2022.






























Chief Executive


1. Grant Funding for Cultural Organisations - 2020/2021 (see report 83-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to a number of cultural organisations for the financial year 2020/2021.


2. Community Regeneration Funding for 2020/2021 (see report 96-2020)

Saving not taken


3. Dundee Partnership Project Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 97-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to Dundee Partnership projects for the financial year 2020/2021.














Leisure and Culture Dundee


1. Management Fee 2020/2021

It is proposed that LACD should receive an increase in management fee of 100,000 for 2020/2021 when compared to the 2019/2020 management fee. An amount of 338,000 is currently included in the provisional 2020/2021 revenue budget to cover the estimated cost of the 2020 pay award for LACD staff. In light of the 100,000 increase, savings of 238,000 can now be taken.


The savings that LACD will have to make will, as far as possible, be found from a combination of actions including structural reviews, VER, VR and vacancy turnover management to help reduce the net staffing count. Further, a range of options have been provided to the Council which will provide the basis of discussions for future potential savings. These include the redesign of library services, which will, in partnership with the Council, give consideration to Community Hub developments, alongside a review of historic properties to ensure future sustainability. In addition, the master plans for Caird Park and Camperdown Park will continue to be developed.







Corporate Services


1. Prepayment of Employer Contributions to Pension Fund (see report 100-2020)

It is proposed to prepay a significant element of the employer contributions due to the Tayside Pension Fund in 2020/2021 and thereafter, thereby generating a recurring revenue saving of 250,000 per annum.


2. Discretionary Housing Payments (see report 107-2020)

It is proposed to reduce the General Fund Contribution to the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Fund by 100,000 in 2020/2021. A further 250,000 has been added to the Local Authority Tenant Hardship Fund from the Housing Revenue Account in financial year 2020/2021.











Corporate Items


1. Interest During Construction

It is proposed to change existing accounting policies to enable the Council to capitalise borrowing costs on qualifying assets during their construction. The Council does not currently capitalise any borrowing costs, rather they are expensed in the year incurred. Relevant accounting guidance allows capitalisation in certain circumstances. Adopting a policy of capitalisation in appropriate circumstances would generate a revenue budget saving. This would deliver a gross saving of 280,000 per annum, reducing by 15,000 per annum from 2021/2022 onwards.


2. Release DERL Warranty Amount

In light of the current position, it would be possible to release fully the provision set-aside without introducing an unacceptable level of risk.


3. ICT Refresh Postponed

Provision is included in the Capital Plan to enable schools to refresh ICT equipment annually to provide the core equipment they require to deliver the curriculum. The refresh was set up on the basis of a 5 year replacement cycle. This has been based on a distribution of 460k per year to schools with 100k being retained for central infrastructure (560k total). It is proposed that the ICT refresh should be postponed for 2020/2021, thereby generating a capital saving of 560k. An equivalent amount of capital works/purchases would be transferred from the Revenue Budget to the Capital Plan, thereby generating a revenue saving of 560k.


4. Establishment Savings

There will be a number of methods used which will assist the Council to reduce its headcount over the coming financial year(s). The main methods will be to re-launch a targeted and ongoing Voluntary Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy exercise. In addition, the continuation of a robust approach to the filling of vacancies is and will continue to result in the non-filling of some posts, which will result in ongoing financial savings. Linked to C2022, there are 2 main projects which will help transform the way that we work, namely the Mobile and Digital Workforce and the Workforce of the Future. Both of these projects will focus on succession planning, service redesign, the development of digital techniques and how we work in a more efficient and effective way, all of which will help us reduce headcount overall. Savings of 250,000 are being assumed for 2020/2021 with a full year effect of 1,000,000 being assumed for 2021/2022.


5. C2022 Savings

It is proposed that further budget savings are generated from the Councils C2022 Transformation Programme. The savings will be generated from ongoing and new initiatives such as charging, concessions and commercialisation, 365 Schools and Procurement and Commissioning. Work is being undertaken in all of these areas by relevant services leads. The estimated saving is 100,000 in 2020/2021 and 250,000 in a full financial year.














































Page Budget Heading

37 Vehicles & Equipment 10k

37 Fuel 38k

37 Hires 20k

37 Second Civic Vehicle 7.3k

43 Services 5k

45 Equipment & Furniture 5k

55 Training 40k

55 Conferences 10k

56 Alcohol Purchases 4.3k

58 Equipment & Furniture 5k

58 Printing & Stationery 15k

58 Postages 20k

60 Bank Charges 40k

63 Construction Surpluses 200k

Various Hospitality 27.5k

n/a Contribution from Renewal & Repair Fund 405k

n/a Contribution from Insurance Fund 210k




Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals














1. Additional Contribution to General Contingency

It is proposed to increase the General Contingency by 500,000 in light of the projected overspend against the 2019/2020 Revenue Budget and the continuing cost pressures in Scientific Services.


2. Drugs and Mental Health Funding

It is proposed to provide 500k within the 2020/2021 revenue budget to the Dundee Partnership to support the delivery of the action plans in response to the Dundee Drugs Commission and the Independent Mental Health Inquiry. This funding demonstrates the Councils commitment to providing additional resources to support improving health and well-being outcomes for our citizens. The Chief Executive is remitted to bring forward a report detailing proposals.












Capital Financing Costs


1. Revenue To Support 500k Capital Expenditure On Roads/Pavements

It is proposed to increase the 2020/2021 capital budget on roads/pavements by 500,000.







Total Additional Expenditure Proposals






Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals less Additional Expenditure Proposals

















Provisional Revenue Budget per Volume



Less Budget Savings (per Appendix 5)



Add Additional Expenditure (per Appendix 5)



Add Provision for Additional Council Tax Reductions (required in light of proposed Council Tax increase)



Revised Revenue Budget



Less General Revenue Funding/Non-Domestic Rates





Less Amount to be Met from Balances







Council Tax Base (Band D Equivalent)



Less Provision for Non-Collection (3.2%)










Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax



% Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax

















Children and Families


1. Changes to the Deployment of School Crossing Patrollers (see report 106-2020)

Saving not taken


2. Third Party Project and Grant Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 103-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations by the Children and Families Service to a range of organisations and projects for the financial years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.


3. Staffing Structure Review and Devolved School Management (see report 104-2020)

Savings are proposed for financial year 2020/2021 regarding staff structure review and associated budgets, with full year savings being delivered in 2021/2022 of 750,000.


Reduction in proposed saving


4. Childrens Houses (see report 105-2020)

It is proposed to introduce 2 waking nights in the Council's 5 Children's Houses in order to further build local placement capacity for care experienced young people; strengthen children protection and health and safety arrangements in the houses. This work will commence in 2020/2021 and will anticipated to deliver a full year saving in 2021/2022 of 575,000.


5. Special Education

The Special Education sector covers Kingspark, central services to support pupils with all ASN including multiple and complex needs and Learning and Care assistants deployed to schools to support young people with complex needs who attend mainstream schools. Finance for this sector also includes the costs of all schools with Enhanced Provisions. Dundee City Council has a statutory responsibility to assess and make provision for childrens additional support needs (ASN) under the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act, 2004 (amended 2009; 2018). In addition it has duties under the Equalities Act (2010) in relation to children and young people with protected characteristics including disabilities.


Within the special sector it is proposed that a review is undertaken in 2020/2021. This review will be carried out in conjunction with Head Teachers and stakeholders.































Budgets Delegated to Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership


1. Budget Allocation 2020/2021

The final budget allocation to DHSCP for 2019/2020 is 77.3m, after all new monies and other budget transfers have been recognised. The total provisional budget allocation to DHSCP for 2020/2021 is 78.9m. In addition, 2.8m of new monies are held in central contingencies. It is proposed to pass over the new monies of 2.8m and then to reduce the budget by 1.6m giving a 2020/2021 budget of 80.1m.





City Development


1. Corporate Property - Review of Cleaning Regime

The current level of cleaning costs across the Council and L&CD portfolio require to be reviewed to ensure the most effective programme is in place for cleaning each facility. An appropriate proposal is being developed through a joint corporate working group with Tayside Contracts, reviewing the delivery of cleaning for the Council and L&CD facilities to achieve a 5% saving to current costs of 40k per annum.


2. Cease Any Grants for Dundee Development and Overseas Marketing and Development

There is limited uptake for these grant schemes which means that the economic impact, in terms of the number of companies supported will be limited. There are alternative sources of funding (loans) available to support companies in the form of the local government funded Business Loans Scotland scheme, Small Business Finance Dundee (SBFD) and the relaunched Michelin Development Fund. In common with other local authorities in Scotland, Dundee has moved towards encouraging uptake of loan rather than grant funding.


3. Roads Maintenance Partnership

Saving not taken


4. Cease Financial Support for Subsidised Bus Routes That Terminate Outwith Dundee

DCC has historically made a financial contribution of 15k per annum to Angus Council to support cross boundary bus services. These are non-commercial services linking villages in south Angus with Dundee City Centre. This is a general contribution towards the cross boundary services. Passengers who have a journey entirely within the Dundee City boundary could be expected to use an alternate service within the city.


5. Review Shopmobility Funding

DCC makes a grant payment of 14,350 per annum to support the citys Shopmobility service. This is funded from the Parking budget (3k) and the Economic Development budget (11k). Shopmobility Dundee operates from the Overgate Centre and is part of a nationwide network/franchise of Shopmobility services that seek to support disabled shoppers by providing mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters. There has been a gradual decline in demand for this service over many years. It is recommended that DCC reduce its annual grant by 50% and proposes to the Shopmobility Board that it requires to increase its revenue from other sources - including donations and membership fees.





































Neighbourhood Services


1. Review of Third Party Payments - Communities (see report 92-2020)

Agreement is sought for the Third Party Payment between Dundee City Council and the newly formed Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action (DVVA) for the services specifically provided on behalf of Neighbourhood Services.


2. Review of Third Party Payments - Community Safety (see report 95-2020)

Agreement is sought for the changes to Third Party Payments administered by the Community Safety and Protection division of Neighbourhood Services.


3. Bowling Green Provision in Dundee (see report 98-2020)

Saving not taken













4. Review of Glasshouse and Nursery Facility, Including Hanging Basket and Barrier Planter Provision (see report 101-2020)

Saving not taken




5. Revised Frequency of Collection for Residual Waste (see report 102-2020)

Approval is sought for the introduction of a revised frequency for residual waste collections during the financial year 2021/2022.

Saving not taken




Chief Executive


1. Grant Funding for Cultural Organisations - 2020/2021 (see report 83-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to a number of cultural organisations for the financial year 2020/2021.


2. Community Regeneration Funding for 2020/2021 (see report 96-2020)

Saving not taken


3. Dundee Partnership Project Funding - 2020/2021 (see report 97-2020)

Approval is sought for the proposed funding allocations to Dundee Partnership projects for the financial year 2020/2021.













Leisure and Culture Dundee


1. Management Fee 2020/2021

It is proposed that LACD should receive an increase in management fee of 100,000 for 2020/2021 when compared to the 2019/2020 management fee. An amount of 338,000 is currently included in the provisional 2020/2021 revenue budget to cover the estimated cost of the 2020 pay award for LACD staff. In light of the 100,000 increase, savings of 238,000 can now be taken.


The savings that LACD will have to make will, as far as possible, be found from a combination of actions including structural reviews, VER, VR and vacancy turnover management to help reduce the net staffing count. Further, a range of options have been provided to the Council which will provide the basis of discussions for future potential savings. These include the redesign of library services, which will, in partnership with the Council, give consideration to Community Hub developments, alongside a review of historic properties to ensure future sustainability. In addition, the master plans for Caird Park and Camperdown Park will continue to be developed.





Corporate Services


1. Prepayment of Employer Contributions to Pension Fund (see report 100-2020)

It is proposed to prepay a significant element of the employer contributions due to the Tayside Pension Fund in 2020/2021 and thereafter, thereby generating a recurring revenue saving of 250,000 per annum.


2. Discretionary Housing Payments (see report 107-2020)

It is proposed to reduce the General Fund Contribution to the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Fund by 100,000 in 2020/2021. A further 250,000 has been added to the Local Authority Tenant Hardship Fund from the Housing Revenue Account in financial year 2020/2021.











Corporate Items


1. Interest During Construction

It is proposed to change existing accounting policies to enable the Council to capitalise borrowing costs on qualifying assets during their construction. The Council does not currently capitalise any borrowing costs, rather they are expensed in the year incurred. Relevant accounting guidance allows capitalisation in certain circumstances. Adopting a policy of capitalisation in appropriate circumstances would generate a revenue budget saving. This would deliver a gross saving of 280,000 per annum, reducing by 15,000 per annum from 2021/2022 onwards.


2. Release DERL Warranty Amount

In light of the current position, it would be possible to release fully the provision set-aside without introducing an unacceptable level of risk.


3. ICT Refresh Postponed

Provision is included in the Capital Plan to enable schools to refresh ICT equipment annually to provide the core equipment they require to deliver the curriculum. The refresh was set up on the basis of a 5 year replacement cycle. This has been based on a distribution of 460k per year to schools with 100k being retained for central infrastructure (560k total). It is proposed that the ICT refresh should be postponed for 2020/2021, thereby generating a capital saving of 560k. An equivalent amount of capital works/purchases would be transferred from the Revenue Budget to the Capital Plan, thereby generating a revenue saving of 560k.


4. Establishment Savings

There will be a number of methods used which will assist the Council to reduce its headcount over the coming financial year(s). The main methods will be to re-launch a targeted and ongoing Voluntary Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy exercise. In addition, the continuation of a robust approach to the filling of vacancies is and will continue to result in the non-filling of some posts, which will result in ongoing financial savings. Linked to C2022, there are 2 main projects which will help transform the way that we work, namely the Mobile and Digital Workforce and the Workforce of the Future. Both of these projects will focus on succession planning, service redesign, the development of digital techniques and how we work in a more efficient and effective way, all of which will help us reduce headcount overall. Savings of 250,000 are being assumed for 2020/2021 with a full year effect of 1,000,000 being assumed for 2021/2022.


5. C2022 Savings

It is proposed that further budget savings are generated from the Councils C2022 Transformation Programme. The savings will be generated from ongoing and new initiatives such as charging, concessions and commercialisation, 365 Schools and Procurement and Commissioning. Work is being undertaken in all of these areas by relevant services leads. The estimated saving is 100,000 in 2020/2021 and 250,000 in a full financial year.














































Page Budget Heading


9 Repairs & Maintenance 16k

9 Upkeep of Grounds 2k

9 Cleaning Costs 9k

9 Equipment & Furniture 20k

9 Printing & Stationery 10k

10 Repairs & Maintenance 6k

10 Upkeep of Grounds 10k

10 Cleaning Costs 10k

10 Equipment & Furniture 20k

10 Books & Materials 10k

10 Postages 5k

10 Facilities Services 14k

11 Upkeep of Grounds 10k

11 Cleaning Costs 10k

11 Postages 2k

11 Car Allowances 1k

11 Facilities Services 10k

13 Equipment & Furniture 10k

13 Books & Materials 5k

13 Car Allowances 9k

13 Payments to Other Orgs 10k

14 Equipment & Furniture 5k

16 Equipment & Furniture 3k

16 Printing & Stationery 4k

16 Postages 2k

16 Other Supplies & Services 12k

16 Travel & Subsistence 5k

16 Payments to Organisations 6k

18 Postages 1k

27 Structural/Cyclical Maintenance 9k

34 Repairs & Maintenance 10k

34 Cleaning Costs 25k

34 Equipment & Furniture 2k

41 Equipment & Furniture 1k

41 Books & Educational Materials 1k

41 Services 5k

43 Equipment & Furniture 1k

43 Professional & Consultancy Fees 20k

43 Services 15k

43 Payments to Other Bodies 1k

44 Equipment & Furniture 13k

44 Clothing, Uniforms & Laundry 2k

44 Other Supplies & Services 4k

45 Equipment & Furniture 5k

45 Services 6k

47 Materials & Consumables 5k

51 Adverts, Publicity 50k

55 Equipment & Furniture 1k

55 Books & Educational Materials 1k

55 Printing & Stationery 1k

55 Other Supplies & Services 4k

56 Equipment & Furniture 10k

56 Maintenance Equipment 2k

58 Equipment & Furniture 20k

58 Materials & Consumables 1k

58 Printing & Stationery 10k

58 Services 15k

37 Second Civic Vehicle 7.3k

51 Annual Consumer Survey (move to 3 yearly) 16.3k

55 Training 83k

56 Alcohol Purchases 4.3k

Various Hospitality 27.8k

Various Increased Recharges to Joint Boards for Professional Services 30k




Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals














1. Additional Contribution to General Contingency

It is proposed to increase the General Contingency by 312,000 in light of the projected overspend against the 2019/20 Revenue Budget and the continuing cost pressures in Scientific Services.


2. Drugs and Mental Health Funding

It is proposed to provide 500k within the 2020/2021 revenue budget to the Dundee Partnership to support the delivery of the action plans in response to the Dundee Drugs Commission and the Independent Mental Health Inquiry. This funding demonstrates the Councils commitment to providing additional resources to support improving health and well-being outcomes for our citizens. The Chief Executive is remitted to bring forward a report detailing proposals.












Total Additional Expenditure Proposals






Total Savings and Efficiencies Proposals less Additional Expenditure Proposals

















Provisional Revenue Budget per Volume



Add Review of Charges Adjustment



Less Budget Savings (per Appendix 7)



Add Additional Expenditure (per Appendix 7)



Add Provision for Additional Council Tax Reductions (required in light of proposed Council Tax increase)



Revised Revenue Budget



Less General Revenue Funding/Non-Domestic Rates





Less Amount to be Met from Balances






Council Tax Base (Band D Equivalent)



Less Provision for Non-Collection (3.2%)










Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax



% Year-on-Year Increase in Council Tax
