Equality and Diversity Fund

Purpose of Grant Fund

The aim of the grant fund is to:

Directly support Dundee City Council’s Mainstreaming Equalities Agenda and meet our General Duty to pay due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Promote good relations across the range of protected characteristics

The General Equality Duty

This covers the following protected characteristics:- Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, and Sexual orientation

The General Equality Duty also covers marriage and civil partnerships, with regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination in employment.

How Much Can Be Applied For?

Applications up to £1000 will be considered but we expect that the average grant awarded will be around £500.

Who can apply

  • Charities
  • Voluntary and Community Organisations
  • Faith Organisations
  • Social enterprises

Others will be considered on a case by case basis – please contact our Equalities & Fairness Officer for more details: 


Essential Criteria

Applicants Must:

  • Demonstrate how their project or activity supports Dundee City Council to mainstream equalities across their community and/or helps us to meet our General Equality Duty
  • Highlight the relevant protected characteristic(s) of the individuals or groups and the barriers that they face within the application
  • Describe the outcomes that their project/activities expect to achieve
  • Advise how any grant awarded will be spent

Making An Application

Applications for 2024-25 are currently closed as all available funding has been allocated. It is anticipated that the fund will reopen in April 2025. View the application form for potential future application planning.

Contact information

If you need any more information about this grant before you complete an application form, please contact:

Email:  ross.craig@dundeecity.gov.uk