Local Elections 2022 - Register to Vote

If you are already registered to vote you do not need to do anything

If you are not registered to vote you must register by no later than Monday 18 April 2022.

The way you register to vote has changed. The new system is called Individual Electoral Registration.

You can now register to vote online.

Register to Vote

You are now responsible for registering yourself to vote.

You will need to provide more details to register, which will make the electoral register more secure. You will need your date of birth and your national insurance number to hand.

Previously, the head of the household was responsible for registering everyone who lived at the address. Now every individual is responsible for their own voter registration. The new system is also more secure because it asks for more details. This will make it more resistant to electoral fraud.

The Electoral Register is updated and re-published following the canvass each year, normally at 1 December. It is used for elections to the Scottish Parliament, UK Parliament (Westminster), the European Parliament, local elections to appoint Councillors, at national referendums and in the election of Community Councils.

Not everyone whose name appears in the Register has the right to vote at all elections or referenda.

Postal or Proxy Voting

If you want to vote by post and haven't already applied you should apply by 5pm on Tuesday 19 April 2022.  You can appoint a proxy but must apply before 5pm on 26 April.

If you are on the register and would prefer to vote by post or appoint a proxy, simply complete a form and return it to the Electoral Registration Office at 21 City Square.

Regulations require us to collect personal identifier information – your signature and date of birth. This is held securely and will be used at election times to compare against the signature and date of birth which has to be provided on a security statement returned with postal votes.

Forms must be signed and cannot therefore be sent electronically.