Outdoor environmental works

Outdoor environmental works Image

A wide variety of outdoor environmental improvement works are being proposed throughout the city which could benefit both local people and wildlife.

Councillors on the city’s Neighbourhood Services Committee will hear of various plans, including the installation of over 100 amphibian ladders in Ballumbie and Claverhouse to help common frogs and toads exit from natural spots such as ponds.

The initiative is supported through the Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund and follows trials which show over a 90% success rate in helping such trapped amphibians.

Proposals also include the introduction of new small-scale biodiversity improvements to existing greenspaces in Court Street, Maryfield. The investment would see planting of fruit trees, wildflower areas, and biodiversity & wildlife-attracting bulb areas.

Neighbourhood Services Committee Convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “The council’s Environment service are putting forward a wide array of outdoor improvements here which will benefit users of Dundee’s outdoor spaces.

“We are committed to the city’s Biodiversity Action Plan and it’s important we can do everything we can to prevent the decline of priority species in our patch such as the common frogs and toads. The external funding acquired for this will go far in helping the hotspots in Ballumbie and Claverhouse.

“The wide scale proposals show the importance of us continuing to maintain and improve our city outdoor spaces from parks to cemeteries. These plans are part of our wider 2022/23 programme which delivers on improvement works across the city.”

The plans also include the upgrading of shrub beds at the Central West entrance of Baxter Park in order to improve security and improve sight lines for users. If approved, Baxter Park would also see the creation of new bulb-planting areas and trees planted.

A variety of improvements would also take place at Claypotts Curling Pond with works to the boundary hedge and fencing, the installation of a new path line, new litter bins, and additional tree-planting put forward for the green area.

At Grassy Beach, upgrades to the seating area, remodelling of the street furniture including new bins, benches and concrete pads are proposed, as well as the installation of glacial boulders, and bulb & low-level planting.

Elsewhere, it is proposed that various infrastructure works take place at both Balgay and Eastern Cemetery for visitors.

The plans would include a total spend of £149,403 with works set to begin this month, if approved.

The Neighbourhood Services Committee will meet on Monday 21st November. 


Nature Restoration Fund 2022/23 Phase 3 

Amphibian Ladders

Common frogs and toad populations are in decline across the UK due to increased pressure from development and poor management of ponds. Both these amphibian species are listed as Priority Species in Dundee’s Biodiversity Action Plan and toads are listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Gully Pot drains have been shown to have a huge effect on amphibian mortality when placed in areas that frogs and toads move through regularly. Using the Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund, we will install 100 ladders within hotspot areas (Ballumbie and Claverhouse). These ladders have been trialled over a number of years and have been shown to aid up to 90% of trapped amphibians.

Maryfield Biodiversity Corners

Small scale new biodiversity improvements to existing greenspaces in Court Street including the creation of perennial wildflowers areas, planting fruit trees and biodiversity & wildlife attracting bulb areas. Preliminary ground works for perennial wildflowers to be completed by Environment Services; thereafter planting to be carried out by local residents and community.

Estimated start date: November 2022. Completion Date: March 2023.

Cemetery Infrastructure

Various infrastructure improvement works at Balgay Cemetery and Eastern Cemetery 

Balgay Cemetery: Installation of new road kerb line

Eastern Cemetery: Creation of hardstanding outside material bays and surface

Estimated start date: November 2022. Completion Date: March 2023

Baxter Park Entrance Improvements

Upgrading of shrub beds at Central West entrance to improve security and improve sight lines. Create new bulb planting areas and sustainable perennial planting at selected entrances. Tree planting at selected entrances and across the park.

Estimated start date: November 2022. Completion Date: March 2023.

Claypotts Curling Pond Boundary

Improvement works to current boundary hedge and fence to improve aesthetics and allow easier access for maintenance purposes. In addition, installation of new path line and new litter bins. Additional tree planting to enhance the area and improve sightlines.

Estimated start date: November 2022. Completion Date: March 2023.

Grassy Beach Improvements

Upgrade to seating area adjacent to carpark, remodel street furniture including new bins, benches and new concrete pads. Installation of glacial boulders, bulb and low-level planting to improve aesthetics.

Estimated start date: November 2022. Completion Date: March 2023.

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