Active freeways routes

Active freeways routes Image

FEEDBACK from Dundonians is set to help shape six new high quality, inclusive and segregated active travel routes alongside the city’s main road corridors.

Preferred routes and concept designs linking the heart of the city to its residential communities via half a dozen main arteries are out for public consultation until early next month. 

Mark Flynn convener of the city development committee said: “As a city we are already fully committed to active travel which has multiple benefits for the individual and our communities.

"Now we want to make sure that is a practical option for people all over the city to get to where they work or learn, and to access local services and leisure facilities.

"To do that needs a continuous network to and from communities and the city centre that is easy to find, safe and supported by the Green Circular and other quiet routes.

"Without community buy-in and support it is much more difficult to make this work, so we need to know what people think of the six routes our consultants have identified."

Described as “active freeways” the concept aims to encourage people to make their journeys by walking, wheeling and cycling by providing active travel infrastructure on high-demand travel routes.

The six routes will link:

  • city centre with Ninewells via the Hawkhill/Perth Road corridor;
  • Lochee to Stobswell via Harefield Road, Strathmore Avenue, Dens Road corridor;
  • Stobswell and Fintry/Whitfield with the city centre via the Pitkerro Road corridor;
  • city centre and Broughty Ferry via the Arbroath Road corridor;
  • city centre with Strathmartine via the Hilltown/Strathmartine Road corridor; and
  • Coupar Angus Road/Lochee.

Transport Scotland, TACTRAN and Dundee City Council are funding the £325,000 for the preparation work towards creating the various routes.

Kevin Cordell the council’s cycling spokesperson added: “Our wider climate commitments and further improvements to local air quality, as well as individual health benefits would all be supported by the introduction of active freeways providing safe, segregated opportunities for walking and cycling.

“This community consultation takes it to the next stage and goes a long way to creating a street environment in our city that supports and encourages people to walk and cycle whenever they can.”

Discussions have already taken place with community councils and interest groups including Dundee Cycling forum, Dundee Access Groups and the Dundee Biking, Riding and Walking (BRAW) forum.

To have your say on proposals for Coupar Angus Road/Lochee, visit  Lochee Road StoryMap or to take part in the consultation on the other locations click here before December 5.

The feedback will be considered as preferred route options are decided, before concept designs are drawn up and further consultation takes place in the new year.

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