City Council Net Zero Transition Plan launched

City Council Net Zero Transition Plan launched Image

With COP28 in full swing, Dundee City Council has taken an important step towards a sustainable future after councillors passed the Council’s Net Zero Transition Plan – a strategic commitment aimed at making the organisation net-zero by 2038.

The Dundee City Council Net Zero Transition Plan 2024-2030 sets out how the Council will become a net zero organisation by 2038. The strategic move positions Dundee City Council as a leader in the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient body.

The plan is centred around lowering emissions from buildings, streetlighting, fleet, business & service travel, and waste produced by the Council.

The decarbonisation of heating in Council buildings has been highlighted in the Plan as the area of producing the greatest emission reductions, but as one of the biggest challenges for the city, it also depends on the continued support from UK and Scottish Governments to achieve targets.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee Convener Heather Anderson said: “The Net Zero Transition Plan is a critical milestone for Dundee City Council.

“It not only demonstrates our commitment to addressing the climate crisis head-on but also positions us as leaders in fostering a green, fair, and resilient organisation.

“By setting a target to become a net-zero organisation by 2038, we are sending a clear message that Dundee City Council is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for its residents and businesses."

The Plan is designed to position Dundee City Council as an example of sustainable governance, fostering a collaborative approach to sustainability.

This move aligns with the Council's broader vision outlined in the City Plan and Council Plan, signalling to investors and partners that Dundee City Council is actively seeking collaboration in the pursuit of sustainable solutions.

Council Leader John Alexander said: “This Plan is not just about environmental stewardship; it's a blueprint for economic growth and resilience.

“By inviting our suppliers and contractors to join us in the transition to a greener, cleaner, and fairer Dundee, we are fostering a collaborative approach to sustainability.

“This is a call to action for all stakeholders to set their own emissions reduction targets and net zero plans, contributing to a collective effort towards a sustainable future for Dundee.

“The Plan also places a strong emphasis on community involvement and empowerment, recognising that local solutions are crucial in achieving our net zero goals.”

The Dundee City Council Net-Zero Transition Plan 2024-2030 can be accessed on the Dundee City Council website.

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