Foster Care Fortnight

Foster Care Fortnight  Image

This week is Foster Care Fortnight. 

Foster Care Fortnight aims to raise awareness of foster care, celebrate current foster carers, and encourage people to foster care.  

The theme this year is #FosteringMoments and over the fortnight you will hear from some of our Dundee City Council Foster Carers, as well as Care Experienced Young People. They will share the moments and memories that have defined their Fostering journeys. 

New foster carers are needed every year to care for children in Dundee and provide them with a safe and caring home. 

The council will be hosting two public events this week for people to find out more about this rewarding role. Please see full details below: 

  • We’re going live - you can join us virtually on Wednesday evening (15th May) at our teams meeting from 6pm to find out more about his rewarding role.  Join us on this Microsoft Teams link or with the log in details Meeting ID: 381 709 501 916 and Passcode: JcVDos 
  • Fostering Event – Come along in person on Tuesday 21st May 4-6pm, at Claverhouse Social Work Centre and find out more about fostering. 

Depute Convener of Children, Families and Communities Convener Roisin Smith said: “During Foster Care Fortnight we really want to celebrate our current foster carers and encourage anyone of thinking of carrying out this rewarding role to come along to our event tomorrow and find out more. 

“We know some children for a variety of reasons are unable to live with their own families and we need to ensure that they have a safe and loving home to go to.  

“We are running two events over the fortnight, there is no pressure to sign up to anything, so please do come along and listen and find out more about being a foster carer.” 

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