Additional Information
- So you think you want a puppy dog? - Considerations and requirements when thinking about rehoming a puppy/dog.
- Fit not fat - Obesity is a growing problem for pets and people, but it's easy to prevent.
- Fleas - Fleas are very common, very persistent and very annoying for the pet and owner but they are very treatable and nowadays we tend to prevent them by protecting our pets against them.
- How to teach your dog - Some helpful hints.
- I'm bored - Dogs get lonely and bored.
- Kennel cough - Information on one of the most common illnesses that can affect a newly homed dog.
- Pets and allergies - Simple steps to avoid the discomfort of allergies.
- Practical steps for healthy pets - Positive action for good health.
- Toxoplasmosis - The facts about this readily preventable disease.
- Worm your dog - Regular worming is essential and easy to do.
- Your pets teeth - Sound teeth and gums mean good digestion and good health.