More Engagement for Dundee Citizens

More Engagement for Dundee Citizens  Image

An update on the Community Learning Plan to improve the lives of citizens in the community though learning, personal development and active citizenship went before Councillors last night.

The Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-24 seeks to create stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities through partnership working.

Councillors heard that the plan is based on five key priority areas which progress is measured against. These areas are: Building Stronger Communities; Addressing Health Inequalities; Improving Outcomes for young people; Improving Outcomes for adults; and Workforce development and practitioner upskilling.

This is the first time that an update report has been brought to councillors and it will highlight that since it’s launch nearly 5000 citizens have engaged thought Community Learning and Development Programmes, with a number of successes across the five pillars.

The report highlighted a number of achievements, including:

· 2,596 young people directly supported by Community Learning and Development Youth Teams;

· Over 1,000 adults participated in a range of learning for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL);

· £1m funding to help adult learners improve their everyday numeracy skills;

· Scotland’s first recovery network is being set up in Coldside to help people with lived experience integrate into community groups;

· Work is being undertaken as part of the Linlathen Employability pathfinder to identify additional support that can be offered to people in-work who are also struggling with the impact of the Cost-of Living crisis;

· A Youth Fund budget was made available for allocation through Participatory Budgeting with £26,000 being voted on by young people through a partnership with Young Scot;

· £350,000 was allocated to climate change projects which went to the public vote;

· 90% of the target was met this year with £3.197m of spend influenced by Publicity Budgeting.

Committee Convener Stewart Hunter said: “We all want people to be at the heart of decision making in their local community and this report highlights a number of great ways we have been able to do that.

“Though some great Partnership working we are enabling people to have a voice on what they want in their community which is hugely importing to creating a more inclusive and supportive community.

“It’s great to see the breadth of people that have been supported though this plan, showing that there is no barrier to engaging with your community.

“I want to thank the team for carrying out this great work and look forward to seeing how this will progress”

The Children, Families and Community Committee met on Monday 23 October.

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