Ash Die Back FAQS

Ash dieback is the most significant tree disease to affect broadleaved trees in the UK since Dutch elm disease gained prominence in the 1960s. Unlike Dutch elm disease however, ash dieback is caused by a wind-borne fungus, which leads to a more rapid spread around the country.  
Evidence from Europe suggests it will lead to the decline and death of 75-90% of ash trees in Scotland over the next two decades and has the potential to infect more than 75 million ash trees (over 64 million saplings and seedlings and some 10.7 million mature trees) across the country. Dead and diseased ash trees can pose real risks to human safety, in addition to considerable economic and environmental impacts.  

The information below is for general members of the public and private landowners in relation to ash trees and provides links to further guidance for more detail. 

Any enquiries not answered below can be directed to