Residual / Non-Recyclable Waste

Find out how MVV Environment treat Dundee's non-recyclable grey bin waste with this video.

Recovered via: 

Important - What should the Grey residual/non-recyclable bins be used for?  

  • As a priority, residents are encouraged to make full use of the recycling facilities available to them at home and throughout the city.  
  • Therefore, only household items that are non-recyclable should be disposed of via their grey bin or at a Household Waste Recycling Centre.  
  • ⚠️Bulky or combustible wastes such as vapes, batteries or gas canisters should not be placed in these bins either.
  • We would also encourage residents to familiarise themselves with the online A-Z recycling guide which offers guidance on how to recycle and dispose of their waste.

 Your residual/general waste is taken to the Baldovie EfW (Energy from Waste) facility in Dundee.

  • Non-recyclable waste is treated as a resource, with energy being recovered from it. Dependence on landfill is significantly reduced and the release of methane (a harmful greenhouse gas) and leachate (a toxic liquid) normally associated with landfill sites is avoided.
  • It provides a safe and well proven means of dealing with residual waste that cannot be reused, recycled, or composted. The use of EfW leads to a reduction in waste being landfilled which helps the environment, meets Government targets and avoids landfill tax.
  • EfW utilises a resource that in the past would otherwise have been landfilled.  Instead the waste is used to produce energy in the form of electricity and/or heat. Generating both at the same time to be used in a process called CHP (combined heat and power) is the most efficient way of using residual waste. In terms of energy content, one tonne of waste equals roughly one-third of a tonne of coal. It is estimated that up to 4 per cent of the UK's electricity needs could be met by EfW, reducing the need for fossil fuels and the more harmful emission of greenhouse gases from landfill.
  • Modern EfW facilitiess use the latest technology to ensure both heat and steam can be gainfully used from the process, and that emissions are cleaned before release to the atmosphere. There is no comparison between modern, well-run and monitored EfW plants and older generation incinerators.  Modern biomass fired power plants also use the same modern technology.
  • More information about the Baldovie EfW facility can be found on the MVV website.

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