Benefit Cap

From April 2013, the UK government introduced a cap on the total amount of benefit that working age people (16-64 years old) can receive.

This means that your main out-of-work benefits such as Employment Support Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit, Child Benefit, Child Tax Credit and a number of other benefits, will not be more than:

£423.46 a week if you are a couple or have children  or
£283.71 a week if you are a single person

The cap will not affect a claimant if they, or their partner, receive Working Tax Credits. It does not affect households that include anyone who receives certain disability benefits. There are other exemptions from the Benefit Cap. The cap is most likely to affect you if you get a number of benefits and live in accommodation that has a high rent.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will be writing to those people who will be affected by this change. If you are worried about this, speak to our Council Advice Services team or Citizens' Advice Bureau to double-check your benefits, especially if you or any of your children have disabilities.

What can you do?

In Scotland the Benefit Cap is mitigated so if you are affected by the cap then you should apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Finding work may be the best way to ensure that the Benefit Cap doesn't apply.

Jobcentre Plus are offering employment support to all those potentially affected.

Dundee City Jobcentre Plus Advisers provide personalised advice to help customers understand what the Benefit Cap might mean for them and encourage and assist them to move into suitable and sustainable employment.

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