Proposed Cafe, Dundee Railway Station 252 sq.m (2,713 sq.ft)New opportunity to operate licensed caf? within new station complex in...
Site 2, Central Waterfront 3,090 sq.m (33,261 sq.ft)The Front is the focal point for Dundee Waterfront which has involved...
Site 5, Central Waterfront 5,940 sq.m (63,938 sq.ft)The Front is the focal point for Dundee Waterfront which has involved...
Site 10, Central Waterfront 4,027 sq.m (43,347 sq.ft)The Front is the focal point for Dundee Waterfront which has involved...
Site 11 Central Waterfront 3,675 sq.m (39,558 sq.ft)The Front is the focal point for Dundee Waterfront which has involved...
Site 12 Central Waterfront 5,395 sq.m (58,072 sq.ft)The Front is the focal point for Dundee Waterfront which has involved...
Retail Unit, 6 Crichton Street £18,500 per annum193.4 sq.m (2,082 sq.ft)Subjects comprise a ground floor & basement traditional retail unit...
Unit 1 Barlow Park £9,000 per annum93 sq.m (1,001 sq.ft)The subjects comprise a rarely available, high quality industrial...
Attic Floor, Unit 9, Balgray Place £4,500 per annum83 sq.m (893 sq.ft)The accommodation comprise an attic floor office suite within a two...
Castle Street 36.79 sq.m (396 sq.ft)The subjects comprise the ground floor of a four storey Category B...
Rutherford Road 98 sq.m (1,055 sq.ft)The development will comprises three terraces of units with central...
60 Craigmount Road £7,500 per annum49 sq.m (527 sq.ft)The subjects comprise an attractive mid terraced retail unit within a...