Consultation commenced 8 November 2021 to 17 December 2021
Dundee City Council has recently undertaken an informal consultation with residents, community groups and local businesses to seek their views on potential options for resident parking schemes in Maryfield, Coldside, and the West End.
This informal consultation sought to identify whether there was wider community support for a resident parking scheme in each of the three areas. The feedback received can be used to inform the development of a more detailed scheme proposal which may be subject to a further stage of consultation in Spring/Summer 2022. At that time, the Council will be able to specify the final extent of any new permit zones, the cost of permit fees and the hours of operation.

Download the map PDF
The map shows the possible boundaries of the three areas being considered for a permit scheme. You should be able to see whether your home is likely to be in or outside the proposed zone.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Further information on how a potential resident parking scheme might work is provided in a Frequently Asked Questions sheet.
Online Meeting:
Two interactive on-line sessions were held on the evenings of Tuesday, 16 and Wednesday 17 November 2021 during which the Council’s Parking Team Leader gave a short presentation on resident parking schemes and answered questions submitted by participants. You can watch a recording of that meeting below or on Youtube.
Once you have had a chance to learn more about the resident parking scheme, Dundee City Council would welcome your views.
You can provide your comments on the Resident Parking Scheme by emailing:
When doing so, it would be helpful if you could include your street name.
Please note that feedback submitted to this e-mail address will help inform the design of any future scheme.