Please carefully bag, tie up and dispose of all noxious weeds securely in strong bags and place in your grey general waste bin for incineration at Dundee's Energy from Waste Plant. Examples include Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Ragwort and Hemlock. These weeds are prohibited from the composting process as stipulated by the relevant standard (PAS100) and are harmful to composting operations. Please ensure appropriate safety precautions are in place whilst removing noxious weeds. For Japanese Knotweed or Giant Hogweed, it is strongly recommended commissioning the services of a licenced, trained professional regarding specialist removal and disposal.
Do not dispose of noxious weeds in brown garden waste bins or at Household Waste Recycling Centres.
Noxious weeds are listed below:
Japanese Knotweed (Invasive)

Plant characteristics include thick bamboo like stem - green/red in colour, broad green leaves and white flowers. Plants grow in clumps and can reach a height of 3 metres. It can grow through concrete and other construction materials causing damage to buildings and roads. Please select the following link for further information on managing Japanese Knotweed.
Giant Hogweed (Invasive)

Further information regarding Giant Hogweed can be found on this webpage.
Himalayan Balsam (Invasive)

Plant characteristics include purple-pink, umbrella shaped flowers, red stems and dark green leaves with serrated edges. Himalayan Balsam can reach 5 metres in height and spreads rapidly.
Ragwort (Poisonous)

Plant characteristics include clusters of yellow flowers (2cm wide) and thin toothed leaves. Ragwort can reach a height of 1 metre.
Hemlock (Poisonous)
Plant characteristics include green stem with purple-red spots, leaves with serrated edges and white flowers. Hemlock can reach a height of up to 2.5 metres.
Further information regarding noxious weeds can be found via Nature Scot website.