What's On
Scotonomics Festival of Dundee

We all know that there is something wrong with the way the economy is structured. Our festival of economics is an engaging and interactive way to bust myths and find out the hidden truths about our economy.
Friday Programme:
5.15-6pm -The Scottish Economy
6-7 pm - MMT Moving From Description to Prescription
7.15-8pm - Scotland’s Wellbeing Economy
8.20-9pm - Ending Austerity
9.10-10pm - Who Owns Scotland
Saturday Programme:
From 11am to 3pm
The Euro: A short history. And a warning for the future.
A Resilient Scotland: Dealing with shocks and crisis.
Scotonomics - Small Nation Series: Digital Estonia.
A Resilient Scotland: Food Security - How resilient is our food supply, use, and habits?
A Resilient Scotland: Energy Security - How resilient is our energy supply and generation?
Financialisation - What happens to an economy and a society when financial institutions and markets rule the roost?
The Continued Blight of Inequality and Poverty - How do poverty and inequality impact Scotland’s economy and society? And what can we all do about it?
From 3.15-8.15pm
Telling Tales and Busting Economic Myths - Why We Need to Tell Better Stories
In Conversation with Author Danny Dorling with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent.
In Conversation with Author Brett Christophers with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent.
In Conversation with Author Clara Mattei with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent.
Economic Growth - Sustainable, Green or Damaging?
Scotland 2030 - A vision.
Tickets both days are £50
Friday £25
Saturday £30
(includes all recorded sessions available to watch for three months)
Tickers are available online at www.scotonomics.scot/events with a few held over for on-the-door sales.
Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Booking Required
Promoted By: Scotonomics
Friday 21st March 2025 5:15pm
Saturday 22nd March 2025 11:00am
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