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Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk

Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk Image
The intricate story of the style, appeal and influence of the kimono.

The ultimate symbol of Japan, the kimono is often perceived as traditional, timeless and unchanging. Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk counters this conception, presenting the garment as a dynamic and constantly evolving icon of fashion.

The exhibition reveals the sartorial and social significance of the kimono from the 1660s to the present day, both in Japan and in the rest of the world. Rare 17th and 18th century kimono are displayed together with fashions by major designers and iconic film and performance costumes. The kimono’s recent reinvention on the streets of Japan is also explored through work by an exciting new wave of contemporary designers and stylists.

Kimono has been curated for the V&A by Anna Jackson and Josephine Rout and is coming to V&A Dundee in May 2024.

Image Credit: Kimono owned by Freddie Mercury.
Japan, 1950-70 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Promoted By: V&A Dundee
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