Integrated Impact Assessments

The Council makes use of an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) process to assess reports for the following policy implications prior to submission to Committee:

  • Equality & Diversity
  • Fairness & Poverty
  • Environment
  • Corporate Risk

By bringing together these separate policy implications into one integrated it allows the Council to:

  • Demonstrate that report authors have considered all likely impacts of their report and provided details on any required mitigation action to overcome negative impacts
  • Enhance consideration of legal requirements prior to the report being submitted to Committee and raise awareness in staff of these issues.
  • Enable Elected Members to review and interrogate the implications of proposals prior to Committee.

From August 2022, a revised process is in operation which includes the completed Integrated Impact Assessment as an appendix to the Committee Report. As a result, more recent IIAs will be found within the relevant Committee papers.